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ForewordAll the schematics you'll find below are quite large, enough to keep the value of the components readable. They will certainly not fit completely onto your screen, but you can scroll through or save the GIF on your disk (click with the right button of your mouse ON the schematic and choose the option "Save Image As") and print it with a common bitmap program. I haven't tried every schematic listed below, so I can't assure you of the quality of each of them nor that they are error-free. A word about units Caps values are indicated in the following manner: For resistors, I usually don't indicate the word "Ohms", just the value of
the resistor: And for chokes: In formulas, if not mentioned otherwise, the units are the main ones: Farad, Ohm, Henry, ... !!! Warning !!! Tubes involve high voltages. High voltages are not a
joke, pay particularly attention to capacitors: they keep their high voltages a long time
after you switch off your amp. Back to TopMoving Coil PreampsBack to TopPreamps (phono RIAA)
Back to TopLine PreampsBack to TopComplete PreampsBack to TopAmpsSE=Single-Ended, PP=Push-Pull, OTL=Output Transformer Less Back to TopHeadphone AmpsBack to TopSolid State MC PreampsBack to TopSolid State PreampsBack to TopSolid State AmpsBack to TopHybridsBack to TopVariousBack to Top |